Operculum Trench Sweetheart Jewelry
I've loved shells or anything to do with shells since a young child on my family's first visit to Florida, so naturally I was fascinated by Operculum jewelry at first sight! Originally, I saw the Victorian ornate variety and then learned of the World War type known as Trench Art or Sweetheart Jewelry from WW 1 and WW 2. These were made by the service men from materials available as gifts for their sweethearts. Not always perfect, they were made with love and ingenuity.
As a child in Lebanon, Tennessee we had soldiers on maneuvers preparing to be sent overseas and fight in early 1940s. The Pigeoneers used our farm for training pigeons to carry messages - difficult to imagine these days! The messages would be placed in a capsule on the pigeon's leg, they would be released to deliver the message and then return back to our farm. Still in my keepsakes are messages like "Pat, these pigeons flew these many miles just to see your happy smiles". We let some wives stay in our home who wanted to remain until shipout day near their husband as there were no motels hotels available. My family made many friends and more than once later received sad messages from the wives as well as family updates after returns home. Over the years I've met a number of men who told me they were in Lebanon on maneuvers. So, you will understand my sentimental thoughts in receiving a small collection of Trench Sweetheart Operculum Jewelry. Take a look!