We are traveling Feb. 7 through Feb. 16. Items can still be purchased, but will not ship until Feb. 17.
Antique Cast Iron Gem Pan With Almond Flour Cakes
Lately, my femme fatale has been baking me almond flour muffin cakes. As I find myself on a low carb diet, these cakes are my one bake good concession. Nuts, but no processed grains.
We use this antique #5 gem pan... 8 oval cups. The pan is unbranded as to the maker - in a Waterman style. Fun shape to play with.
The almond flour is very versatile and a bit sweeter than standard wheat flours.... add fruit or add cheese... use sour cream or use yogurt... use butter or use oil. Recipes can be found online.... Trader Joe's for the flour.